The UX Design Glossary

The UX Design Glossary: Deciphering the Alphabet Soup of UX Jargon

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“Engage." A phrase familiar to all Star Trek fans. It's Captain Picard's iconic command to the crew of the USS Enterprise to go forth and explore new worlds. But we're not in space. Instead, we're diving into the vast universe of User Experience (UX) Design, and this article is your command centre. Here, we will demystify the jargon, unpack the terms, and give you a warp-speed introduction to the exciting world of UX design, akin to a UX design agency.

So buckle up, future UXers, and prepare to "engage" with the UX Design Glossary.

UX design, like any specialized field, has its own language. A newcomer might feel like they've landed on an alien planet when they first encounter phrases like Agile UX, Automated UX Research, or Information Architecture. But fear not. As a leading UI/UX agency, we're here to help you decipher these terms and give you a confident start to your UX journey.

Seacrh by term :

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Agile UX

Agile UX marries the principles of Agile software development with...

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Automated UX Research

Automated UX Research refers to the use of technology to...

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Benchmark Study

A Benchmark Study, or Benchmarking, is a method of evaluating...

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Card Sorting

Card Sorting is a user-centred design method used to inform...

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Click Testing

Click Testing is a usability testing method where participants are...

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Concept Testing

Concept Testing is a process where potential users are presented...

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Customer Experience

Customer Experience (CX) encompasses all interactions a person has with...

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Design Validation

Design Validation is the process of ensuring that the design...

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Effectiveness Ratios

Effectiveness Ratios are metrics used in usability testing to measure...

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Efficiency Ratios

Similar to Effectiveness Ratios, Efficiency Ratios are also metrics used...

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In-Lab Testing

In-Lab Testing is a type of usability testing where users...

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Information Architecture (IA)

Information Architecture (IA) refers to the organization and structure of...

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Internal Usability Testing

Internal Usability Testing is a type of usability testing where...

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Invitation Link

An Invitation Link is a URL that is sent to...

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Iterative Testing

Iterative Testing is a process in which a product or...

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Mobile Usability Testing

Mobile Usability Testing refers to testing the usability of mobile...

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Modal Window

A Modal Window, also known as a modal dialog or...

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Multichannel Experience

Multichannel Experience refers to the practice of interacting with customers...

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Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a customer loyalty metric that...

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Online Survey

An Online Survey is a questionnaire that is hosted online...

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In the context of UX research, a Panel is a...

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Prototype Testing

Prototype Testing is a type of user testing where participants...

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Remote Usability Testing

Remote Usability Testing is a method where participants complete tasks...

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Responsive Design

Responsive Design is an approach to web design that makes...

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Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment (ROI) is a financial metric used to...

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Satisfaction Questionnaire

A Satisfaction Questionnaire is a type of survey used to...

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Screen Recording

Screen Recording is a technique used to capture and record...

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Screenshot Click Testing

Screenshot Click Testing is a method used to gather user...

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Session Recording

Session Recording is a method used in UX research to...

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Shadowing is a research method where a researcher observes a...

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A Sitemap is a visual or textually organized model of...

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Stakeholder Interviews

Stakeholder Interviews are a research method used to gather insights...

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Task Analysis

Task Analysis is a UX research method that involves breaking...

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Task-based User Research

Task-based User Research involves observing and studying users as they...

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Think-Aloud is a qualitative research technique that involves participants verbalizing...

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Tree Testing

Tree Testing is a usability technique used to evaluate the...

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True Intent Study

A True Intent Study is a research method used to...

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Usability Metrics

Usability Metrics are quantitative measures used to evaluate the usability...

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Usability Testing

Usability Testing is a fundamental method used to evaluate the...

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User Experience (UX)

User Experience (UX) refers to the overall experience and perception...

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User Flows

User Flows are diagrams that map out the sequence of...

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User Interviews

User Interviews are a research method used to gather qualitative...

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User Journey Maps

A User Journey Map is a visual representation of a...

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User Personas

User Personas are fictional characters created to represent the different...

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User Scenarios

User Scenarios are narratives or stories about users that describe...

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User Stories

In software development and product management, a User Story is...

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User Surveys

User Surveys are a research method used to gather feedback...

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UX Analytics

UX Analytics involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data...

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UX Automation

UX Automation involves the use of tools, scripts, or software...

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UX Certification

UX Certification is a recognition or credential awarded to individuals...

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UX Dashboard

A UX Dashboard is a visual display of key metrics...

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UX Design

UX Design, short for User Experience Design, encompasses the process...

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UX Management

UX Management involves overseeing and leading user-centred design initiatives within...

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Video Questions

Video Questions are a research technique that involves asking participants...

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Voice of the Customer (VoC)

The Voice of the Customer (VoC) refers to the collection...